Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

448 Chapter 16 Add Simple Visual Enhancements

Inserting Pictures and Clip Art Images.

You can add images created and saved in other programs as well as digital photographs
to your Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 presentations. Collectively, these types of graphics
are known as pictures. You might want to use pictures to make your slides more attractive
and visually interesting, but you are more likely to use pictures to convey information
in a way that words cannot. For example, you might display photographs of your com-
pany’s new products in a presentation to salespeople.
If a slide has a content placeholder, you can insert a picture by clicking the Insert Picture
From File button in the content placeholder. If the slide has no content placeholder, you
can click the Picture button in the Images group on the Insert tab. Either way, the Insert
Picture dialog box opens so that you can locate and insert the picture you want.
Tip Pictures you acquire from locations such as Web sites are often copyrighted, meaning
that you cannot use them without the permission of the person who created them. Sometimes
owners will grant permission if you give them credit. Professional photographers usually
charge a fee to use their work. Always assume that pictures are copyrighted unless the source
clearly indicates that they are license-free.
In addition to pictures you have acquired from various sources, you can insert clip art
images into your slides. PowerPoint provides access to hundreds of professionally designed
license-free clip art items that. These license-free graphics often take the form of cartoons,
sketches, or symbolic images, but can also include photographs, animated drawings, and
movies. In a PowerPoint presentation, you can use clip art to illustrate a point you are mak-
ing, as interesting bullet characters, or to mark pauses in a presentation. For example, you
might display a question mark image on a slide to signal a time in which you answer ques-
tions from the audience.
To add clip art to a slide, you can click the Clip Art button in a content placeholder, or
you can click the Clip Art button in the Images group on the Insert tab. Either way, the
Clip Art task pane opens. From this task pane, you can locate and insert the clip art
image you want. You can search for clip art by keyword, search a specific Microsoft Clip
Organizer collection, or search for specific files or media types, such as movies.
If your computer has an Internet connection, by default your search is expanded to
include the thousands of free clip art images available on the Web site.
After you have inserted a picture, you can make it larger or smaller and position it any-
where you want on the slide.
Tip You can save PowerPoint slides as pictures that you can insert in other types of docum-
ents. Display the Save & Send page of the Backstage view, and click Change File Type in the
center pane. Then click one of the formats listed under Image File Types in the right pane,
and click Save As. In the Save As dialog box, specify a name and location, and then click Save.
In the message box that appears, click Every Slide to save all the slides as images, or click
Current Slide Only to save an image of the current slide.
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