Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Inserting Pictures and Clip Art Images 449

In this exercise, you’ll add pictures and clip art images to slides. After inserting them,
you’ll move and size them to fit their slides.

SET UP You need the WaterSavingA_start presentation and the Penstemon and
Agastache pictures located in your Chapter16 practice file folder to complete this exercise.
Open the WaterSavingA_start presentation, and save it as WaterSavingA. Be sure you have
an Internet connection so that you can connect to Then follow the steps.

  1. Press Ctrl+End to move to slide 11 , and delete .

Because you have deleted the text from the content placeholder, PowerPoint
redisplays the content buttons.

  1. In the content placeholder, click the Insert Picture from File button.

The Insert Picture dialog box opens.

  1. Navigate to your Chapter16 practice file folder, click the Penstemon file, and then
    click Insert.
    Tip If a picture might change, you can ensure that the slide is always up to date by
    clicking the Insert arrow and then clicking Link To File to insert a link to the picture, or
    by clicking Insert And Link to both insert the picture and link it to its graphic file.
    PowerPoint inserts the picture in the middle of the content pane.

The picture is surrounded by a frame to indicate that it is selected. You use the handles
around the frame to size and rotate the picture.
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