Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Inserting Charts 463

A sample chart and its associated worksheet.

The Excel worksheet is composed of rows and columns of cells that contain values, which
in charting terminology are called data points. Collectively a set of data points is called a
data series. Each worksheet cell is identified by an address consisting of its column letter
and row number—for example, A2. A range of cells is identified by the address of the
cell in the upper-left corner and the address of the cell in the lower-right corner, sepa-
rated by a colon—for example, A2:D5.
When you replace the sample data in the worksheet, you immediately see the results
in the chart in the adjacent PowerPoint window. Each data point in a data series is
represented graphically in the chart by a data marker. The data is plotted against an
x-axis—also called the category axis—and a y-axis—also called the value axis. (Three-
dimensional charts also have a z-axis—also called the series axis.) Tick-mark labels along
each axis identify the categories, values, or series in the chart. A legend provides a key
for identifying the data series.
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