Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

464 Chapter 16 Add Simple Visual Enhancements

y-axis Data marker

Series names

Plot area Gridline Legend

Tick-mark labels x-axis Chart area

The major elements of a chart.

To enter data in a cell of the Excel worksheet, you first click the cell to select it. You can
select an entire column by clicking the column header—the shaded box containing a
letter at the top of each column—and an entire row by clicking the row header—the
shaded box containing a number to the left of each row. You can select the entire work-
sheet by clicking the Select All button—the box at the junction of the column and row
Having selected a cell, you can enter your data by typing it directly. However, if your
data already exists in an Excel worksheet or a Microsoft Access or Microsoft Word table,
you don’t have to retype it. You can copy the data from its source program and paste it
into the Excel worksheet that is linked to the slide.
After you’ve plotted your data in the chart, you can move and size the chart to suit the
space available on the slide. You can edit the data—both the values and the column and
row headings—at any time, and PowerPoint will replot the chart to reflect your changes.
In this exercise, you’ll create a chart by pasting existing data into the associated Excel
worksheet. You’ll then size the chart, and edit its data.
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