Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

466 Chapter 16 Add Simple Visual Enhancements

  1. On the Excel Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the Copy button.

  2. From the Windows Taskbar, display the Chart in Microsoft PowerPoint work-
    sheet. Then in the worksheet, click cell A1.

  3. On the Excel Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the Paste button. Then click
    OK to acknowledge the message that Excel has inserted rows in the worksheet to
    accommodate the copied data.
    Excel pastes in the data, and PowerPoint immediately replots the chart.

The chart plots all the data within the blue border in the worksheet.

  1. To exclude the data in column D from the chart, in the worksheet, drag the handle
    in the lower-right corner of the blue border to the left, releasing it when cells
    D1:D11 are shaded.
    In the PowerPoint window, the chart now reflects the fact that only the Activity,
    Average, and Conservative columns are plotted.

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