Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Inserting Charts 467

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Excel window, click the Close button to close the
    associated worksheet. Then close the WaterConsumption workbook.
    The PowerPoint window expands, giving you a better view of the chart.

The copied data, plotted as a cylinder chart.

  1. Point to the handle (the four dots) in the middle of the bottom of the frame, and
    drag downward until the frame sits at the bottom of the white area of the slide.
    When you release the mouse button, the chart area expands, but not enough for
    the category labels to be displayed in their entirety.

  2. On the Design contextual tab, in the Data group, click the Edit Data button.

The associated worksheet opens in Excel so that you can make changes to the
plotted data.

  1. Click cell A9, type Dishes by hand, and press Enter. Then in cell A10, type Clothes
    washer, and press Enter. Finally in cell A11, replace Watering lawn (20 min.) with
    Lawn (20 min.), and press Enter. Then close the Excel worksheet.

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