Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Drawing Shapes 473

When a shape is selected, the Format contextual tab appears on the ribbon.

  1. On the Format tab, in the Insert Shapes group, click the More button to display
    the Shapes gallery. Then under Block Arrows, click the Right Arrow shape, and
    draw a small arrow to the right of the star.

  2. With the arrow still selected, hold down the Ctrl key, and drag a copy of the arrow
    to the left of the star.
    Troubleshooting Be sure to release the mouse button before you release the Ctrl key.
    Otherwise you’ll move the shape instead of copying it.

  3. With the shape still selected, in the Arrange group, click the Rotate button, and
    then click Flip Horizontal.
    You could have drawn a Left Arrow shape, but this technique ensures that the two
    arrows have the same proportions.
    Tip You can rotate or flip any type of image. Rotating turns a shape 90 degrees to the
    right or left; flipping turns a shape 180 degrees horizontally or vertically. You can also
    rotate a shape to any degree by dragging the green rotating handle.

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