Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Drawing Shapes 475

  1. Repeat step 9 to add the word Education to the scroll shape and Family to the
    heart shape.

  2. Click the scroll shape (don’t click the text), hold down the Shift key, click the star
    shape, and then click the two hearts.

  3. With all four shapes selected, in the Shape Styles group, click the More button to
    display the Shape Styles gallery.

  4. Point to several thumbnails to see live previews of their effects, and then click the
    last thumbnail in the fourth row (Subtle Effect – Light Blue, Accent 6).
    The color of the interior and outline of the shapes changes, as does the color of
    the text.

The text stands out after you change the shape style.

  1. Click a blank area of the slide to release the selection, and then click the scroll
    shape (don’t click its text).

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