Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

478 Chapter 16 Add Simple Visual Enhancements

  1. With the left arrow still selected, on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click
    the Format Painter button, and then click the right arrow.
    Both arrows are now purple.

  2. Click away from the selected shape, and then click any shape to select the group.

  3. On the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click the Group button, and then
    click Ungroup.
    The group is disbanded, and the individual shapes are now selected.
    CLEAN UP Save the JournalingA presentation, and then close it.

Connecting Shapes
If you want to show a relationship between two shapes, you can connect them with
a line by joining special handles called connection points.
To connect shapes:

  1. Click one of the shapes you want to connect. Then on the Format tab, in the
    Insert Shapes group, display the Shapes gallery, and under Lines, click one of
    the Connector shapes.

  2. Point to the selected shape.
    Red connection points appear, and the pointer changes to a crosshair.

  3. Point to a connection point, and then drag over to the other shape (don’t re-
    lease the mouse button).

  4. When connection points appear on the other shape, point to a connection
    point, and release the mouse button.
    Red handles appear at each end of the line, indicating that the shapes are
    Troubleshooting If a blue handle appears instead of a red one, the shapes are
    not connected. Click the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar to remove the
    connection line, and then redraw it.

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