Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Adding Transitions 479

The connector between two connection points.
After you have drawn the connector, you can format it by changing its color and
weight. You can then set the formatted line as the default for all future connectors
in this drawing. If you move a connected shape, the line moves with it, maintaining
the relationship between the shapes.

Adding Transitions.

When you deliver a presentation, you can move from slide to slide by clicking the mouse
button or you can have PowerPoint replace one slide with the next at predetermined
intervals. You can avoid abrupt breaks between slides by employing transitions that con-
trol the way slides move on and off the screen.
PowerPoint comes with the following categories of built-in transition effects:
● Subtle This category includes fades, wipes, and a shutter-like effect.
● Exciting This category includes more dramatic effects such as checkerboards,
ripples, turning, and zooming.
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