Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1


17 Review and Deliver Presentations

In this chapter, you will learn how to
✔ Set up presentations for delivery.
✔ Preview and print presentations.
✔ Prepare speaker notes and handouts.
✔ Finalize presentations.
✔ Deliver presentations.

When it is time to deliver the Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 presentation you have worked so
hard to create, taking the time for a few final tasks helps to ensure a successful outcome.
Before exposing a new presentation to the eyes of the world, you should check a few
settings and proof the text of the slides, preferably on paper, where typographic errors
seem to stand out much better than they do on the screen. When you are satisfied that
the presentation is complete, you can prepare for your moment in the spotlight by cre-
ating speaker notes. You might also want to create handouts to give to your audience,
to remind them later of your presentation’s message.
When all these tasks are complete, you should remove extraneous information before
declaring the presentation final.
If you will deliver the presentation from your computer as an electronic slide show, it pays
to become familiar with the tools available in Slide Show view, where instead of appearing
in a window, the slide occupies the entire screen. You navigate through slides by clicking the
mouse button or by pressing the Arrow keys, moving forward and backward one slide at
a time or jumping to specific slides as the needs of your audience dictate. During the slide
show, you can mark slides with an on-screen pen or highlighter to emphasize a point.
In this chapter, you’ll set up a slide show for delivery, preview a presentation, and print
selected slides. You’ll remove the properties attached to a presentation and prevent other
people from making further changes to it. Finally, you’ll see how to deliver a presenta-
tion, including marking up slides while showing them.


17 Review and Deliver

Presentations 485

Setting Up Presentations for Delivery...................................... 486
Previewing and Printing Presentations..................................... 491
Preparing Speaker Notes and Handouts.................................... 495
Enhanced Handouts................................................ 501
Finalizing Presentations.................................................. 502
Setting Up Presenter View........................................... 508
Delivering Presentations.................................................. 509
Key Points.............................................................. 512
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