Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Setting Up Presentations for Delivery 489

  1. In the Include on slide area, select the Date and time check box. Then with Fixed
    selected, type today’s date in the text box.
    PowerPoint indicates on the thumbnail in the Preview area that the date will appear
    in the lower-left corner of the slide. The date will appear in the format in which you
    typed it.

  2. Select the Slide number check box.

The thumbnail in the Preview area shows that the slide number will appear in the
lower-right corner.

  1. Select the Footer check box, and then type your name in the text box.

Your name will appear in the center of the slide.

  1. Select the Don’t show on title slide check box, and click Apply to All. Then
    display slide 2.
    The specified footer information appears at the bottom of the slide.

You have entered footer information for all slides except the title slide.
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