Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Previewing and Printing Presentations 491

  1. When the presentation starts again at slide 1, press Esc to stop the slide show and
    return to Normal view.
    Now when you are ready to run the presentation, you can navigate to the folder where
    it is stored, and double-click it. When the presentation opens, switch to Slide Show view
    to start the presentation. You can press Esc to stop the slide show at any time.
    CLEAN UP Save the ServiceOrientationA presentation, and then close it.

Previewing and Printing Presentations

Even if you plan to deliver your presentation electronically, you might want to print the
presentation to proof it for typographical errors and stylistic inconsistencies. Before
you print, you can preview your presentation to see how the slides will look on paper. You
preview a presentation on the Print page in the Backstage view, where the presentation
appears in the right pane.

The Print page of the Backstage view.
You can click the Next Page or Previous Page button in the lower-left corner of the pane
to move among the slides. To zoom in on part of a slide, click the Zoom In and Zoom
Out buttons on the Zoom Slider in the lower-right corner. Click the Zoom To Page button
to fit the slide to the pane.
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