Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

494 Chapter 17 Review and Deliver Presentations

  1. On the Zoom Slider, click the Zoom In button several times, and then use the
    horizontal scroll bar that appears to scroll all the way to the left.
    It’s easier to examine the date in the footer of the magnified slide.

You can use the Zoom Slider to zoom in on parts of a slide.

  1. Click the Zoom to Page button to return to the original zoom percentage.

  2. In the middle pane, click the setting for your printer.

A list displays the names of all the printers installed on your computer.

  1. In the list, click the printer you want to use.

Tip After choosing a printer, you can customize its settings for this particular print
operation by clicking Printer Properties to display the Properties dialog box. For
example, if the printer you have selected has duplex capabilities, you might want to
specify that it should print slides on both sides of the page.

  1. Under Settings, in the Slides box, type 1-3,5, and then press Tab.

In the right pane, PowerPoint displays a preview of slide 1. Below the preview, the
slide indicator changes to 1 of 4, and you can now preview only the selected slides.

  1. Click Full Page Slides, and below the gallery that appears, click Frame Slides.

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