Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Preparing Speaker Notes and Handouts 495

  1. At the top of the middle pane, click the Print button.

PowerPoint prints slides 1, 2, 3, and 5 with frames in shades of gray on the selected
CLEAN UP Save the ServiceOrientationB presentation, and then close it.

Preparing Speaker Notes and Handouts.

If you will be delivering your presentation before a live audience, you might want some
speaker notes to guide you. Each slide in a PowerPoint presentation has a correspond-
ing notes page. As you create each slide, you can enter notes that relate to the slide’s
content by simply clicking the Notes pane and typing. If you want to include something
other than text in your speaker notes, you must switch to Notes Page view by clicking the
Notes Page button in the Presentation Views group on the View tab. When your notes are
complete, you can print them so that they are readily available to guide the presentation.
Tip In Presenter view, you can see your notes on one monitor while you display the slides
to your audience on another monitor. For information about Presenter view, see the sidebar
“Setting Up Presenter View” later in this chapter.
As a courtesy for your audience, you might want to supply handouts showing the presenta-
tion’s slides so that people can take notes. Printing handouts requires a few decisions, such as
which of the nine available formats you want to use and whether you want to add headers
and footers, but otherwise, you don’t need to do anything special to create simple handouts.
Tip The layout of PowerPoint notes pages and handouts is controlled by a special kind of
template called a master. Usually, you’ll find that the default masters are more than adequate,
but if you want to make changes, you can. For information about customizing masters, refer to
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Step by Step, by Joyce Cox and Joan Lambert (Microsoft Press, 2010).
In this exercise, you’ll enter speaker notes for some slides in the Notes pane. Then you’ll
switch to Notes Page view, and insert a graphic into one note and a diagram into another.
Finally, you’ll print both speaker notes and handouts.

SET UP You need the Harmony_start presentation and the YinYang graphic located in
your Chapter17 practice file folder to complete this exercise. Open the Harmony_start
presentation, and save it as Harmony. Then follow the steps.

  1. With slide 1 displayed, drag the splitter bar between the Slide pane and the Notes
    pane upward to enlarge the Notes pane.

  2. Click anywhere in the Notes pane, type Welcome and introductions, and then
    press Enter.

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