Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Preparing Speaker Notes and Handouts 497

  1. Below the scroll bar, click the Next Slide button to move to slide 4. Then click the
    border around the text placeholder to select it, and press Delete.

  2. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click the SmartArt button. In the left
    pane of the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box, click Hierarchy, and then in the
    middle pane, double-click the second thumbnail in the last row (Hierarchy List).
    A diagram with six shapes and placeholder text is inserted into the page. Don’t
    worry about its placement for now; you will fix that later.
    See Also For information about how to work with SmartArt diagrams, see “Inserting
    Diagrams” in Chapter 16, “Add Simple Visual Enhancements.” For information about
    using SmartArt to customize diagrams, refer to Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Step by Step,
    by Joyce Cox and Joan Lambert (Microsoft Press, 2010).

  3. Open the Text pane, click the first placeholder in the hierarchy, and type the
    following, pressing the Down Arrow key or the Enter key as indicated:
    Focus (Down Arrow)
    Health (Down Arrow)
    Creativity (Enter)
    Relationships (Enter)
    Community (Down Arrow)
    Follow (Down Arrow)
    Knowledge (Down Arrow)
    Career (Enter)
    Fame (Enter)
    Tip If you have trouble seeing the notes at this zoom percentage, click the Zoom In
    button on the Zoom Slider in the lower-right corner of the window.
    The speaker notes now include a diagram expressing visually the concepts to be
    emphasized during the presentation.

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