Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

512 Chapter 17 Review and Deliver Presentations

  1. Draw a line below the words Prevent erosion.

  2. Right-click anywhere on the screen, point to Pointer Options, and then click
    The pen tool changes back to the regular pointer, and you can now click the mouse
    button to advance to the next slide.

  3. Press Esc to stop the presentation.

A message asks whether you want to keep your ink annotations.

  1. Click Discard.

The active slide is displayed in Normal view.
CLEAN UP Save the SavingWater presentation, and then close it.

Key Points.

● It’s most efficient to set up your presentation in its intended output format before
you begin adding content.
● To proof a presentation on paper, you can print it in color, grayscale, or black and
white, depending on the capabilities of your printer.
● You can easily create speaker notes to facilitate a presentation delivery, or print
handouts so that your audience can easily follow your presentation.
● Finalizing a presentation ensures that it doesn’t contain personal or confidential
information and that people are alerted before making further changes.
● Knowing how to use all the navigation toolbar buttons, commands, and keyboard
shortcuts to navigate in Slide Show view is important for smooth presentation
● To emphasize a point, you can mark up slides during a presentation by using a pen
in various colors or a highlighter.
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