Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Navigating in the OneNote Program Window 517

Navigation Bar Notebook header Content panePage Tabs Bar

The default appearance of the OneNote program window.

● The Navigation Bar on the left side of the program window displays information
about the notebooks that are stored in the default notebook location. When col-
lapsed, as it is by default, the Navigation Bar displays a button for each notebook.
When expanded, the Navigation Bar displays the hierarchical structure of each
notebook. You expand and collapse the Navigation Bar by clicking the button in
its upper-right corner.
Collapse Navigation Bar

The expanded Navigation Bar.

● The content pane in the center of the program window displays the active note-
book page. On pages that you create, the page title appears at the top of the page,
along with the date and time the page was most recently modified.
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