Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

518 Chapter 18 Explore OneNote 2010

● The notebook header above the content pane displays section tabs that you can
click to move between sections of the active notebook.
● The Page Tabs Bar to the right of the content pane displays page tabs you can click
to move between pages of the active section. By default, the Page Tabs Bar displays
a tab for each page in the current section. You can filter the display of tabs to make
it easier to locate specific content.
You can collapse and expand the Page Tabs Bar by clicking the button in its upper-
right corner.
Keyboard Shortcuts Press Alt+Page Up to display the first page in the currently visible
set of page tabs; press Alt+Page Down to display the last page in the currently visible set.
Press Ctrl+Shift+[ to increase the width of the Page Tabs Bar; press Ctrl+Shift+] to
decrease the width of the Page Tabs Bar.

Working with Multiple Notebooks
You can have multiple notebooks open at one time, either in the same OneNote
window or in separate OneNote windows.
Keyboard Shortcut Press Ctrl+M to open a second instance of the current OneNote
To open a notebook in the current OneNote window:

  1. On the Open page of the Backstage view, click the Open Notebook button.

  2. Browse to your Documents\OneNote Notebooks folder.

  3. Click the folder representing the notebook you want to open, and click Open.
    In the notebook folder, click the Open Notebook file, and then click Open.
    Tip The Open Notebook file is a Table Of Contents file that contains pointers to
    the content within the notebook.
    When you work with multiple notebooks in the same OneNote window, you can
    easily switch between them by clicking a notebook’s button on the Navigation Bar.
    Keyboard Shortcut Press Ctrl+G, the Down Arrow or Up Arrow key, and then Enter to
    switch to a different notebook on the Navigation Bar.
    If you don’t need to access an open notebook any more, you can close it. Closed
    notebooks do not appear on the Navigation Bar.
    To close a notebook:
    ● On the Navigation Bar, right-click the notebook button, and then click Close
    This Notebook.

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