Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

544 Chapter 19 Create and Configure Notebooks

Sharing a New or Existing Notebook.

When creating a shared notebook, you select a storage location that is accessible either
over your network or over the Internet, depending on the access requirements of the
people with whom you want to share the notebook.
If you create a notebook for use on only one computer and later decide you want to
share it with other authors, you can easily do so.
● If your primary computer can be accessed through a network or workgroup, you
can share the notebook from its original location.
● If your primary computer cannot be accessed through a network or workgroup,
or if you do not log on to your primary and secondary computers with the same
credentials, you can move the notebook to a shared location.
To share the active notebook, follow these steps:

  1. On the Share tab, in the Shared Notebook group, click Share This Notebook.
    The Share page of the Backstage view opens.

  2. Select the location from which you want to share the notebook, as follows:
    ❍ To share the notebook with any Internet user, click Web in the Share On
    section. Then in the Web Location section, click or browse to the site.

Sharing a notebook over the Web allows authors to access it from any location.
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