Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Creating a Notebook for Use by Multiple People 547

You can notify other people of the location of a shared notebook at any time by clicking the link
on the Share page of the Backstage view.

To create a new notebook in a shared location, follow these steps:

  1. Display the New page of the Backstage view.

  2. Select the location in which you want to create the notebook, as follows:
    ❍ To share the notebook with any Internet user from a Windows Live Sky Drive
    site, click Web in the Store Notebook On section. Then in the Web Location
    section, click or browse to the site.
    ❍ To share the notebook with co-workers from a computer that is on your
    organization’s internal network, click Network in the Store Notebook On
    section. In the Network Location section, enter the UNC address of the net-
    work location, click the location in the Recent Locations list, or click Browse and
    then, in the Select Folder dialog box, navigate to the network location
    and click Select.
    ❍ To share the notebook with co-workers from a SharePoint document library,
    click Network in the Store Notebook On section. In the Network Location
    section, enter the URL of the document library or click the document library
    in the Recent Locations list.

  3. On the New page of the Backstage view, click the Create Notebook button.

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