Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Entering Content Directly onto a Page 569

To manually resize an inserted image:

  1. Click the image (not the note container).
    Sizing handles appear in the corners and at the center of each side of the image.

  2. Drag a sizing handle to resize the image.
    ❍ Drag a round corner sizing handle to maintain the image’s aspect ratio.
    ❍ Drag a square edge handle to resize the image in one direction only.
    Using the new Screen Clipping tool, you can insert clip art (free graphics, photos, sounds,
    and movies) into your notes, but there is no built-in command for doing so. You must do
    one of the following:
    ● Insert the clip art into another Office document, such as a Word document, cut or
    copy the clip art from the document, and then paste it onto the notebook page.
    ● From the Start menu, open the Microsoft Office Clip Organizer, locate and copy the
    clip art you want, and then paste it onto the notebook page.
    See Also For information about inserting screen clippings, see “Sending Content to OneNote”
    later in this chapter.

Formatting Notes, Pages, and Sections.

You can change the appearance of text in notes in much the same way that you do in
other Office 2010 programs. OneNote supports character-level formatting such as font,
size, and color, and simple styles such as headings and titles.

Paragraph Formatting
OneNote 2010 provides several standard paragraph formatting options, including:
● Alignment (left, center, or right)
● Spacing (before, after, and within a paragraph)
● Lists (bulleted and numbered)
● Indent level
The paragraph formatting options settings aren’t as complete as those in Word and the
other Office 2010 programs, but they are a great improvement over what was available
in OneNote 2007.
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