Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

588 Chapter 20 Create and Organize Notes

  1. Click the Play button.

Keyboard Shortcut Press Ctrl+Alt+P to play the most recently active audio or video
recording on the page.
OneNote plays your audio recording. (If you can’t hear it, check that your com-
puter’s speaker volume is turned up.) Additional commands for controlling the
playback become active on the Playback tab.

You can skip backward and forward through a recording by clicking the Rewind and Fast
Forward buttons.

  1. On the Playback tab, in the Playback group, watch the progress of the timer. After
    the first 15 seconds of the recording, click the Rewind 10 Seconds button.
    Keyboard Shortcuts Press Ctrl+Alt+Y to rewind the playback 10 seconds. Press
    Ctrl+Alt+U to fast forward the playback 10 seconds.

  2. When the audio playback is finished, click the Record Video button in the
    Recording group on the Playback tab.
    OneNote inserts a Windows Media Video (.wmv) file icon, a file name that matches
    the page name, and the recording start time. A video window opens on the page,
    displaying video captured by your webcam.

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