Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1


21 Send and Receive E-Mail Messages

In this chapter, you will learn how to
✔ Create and send messages.
✔ Attach files to messages.
✔ View messages and message attachments.
✔ Configure Reading Pane behavior.
✔ View message participant information.
✔ Respond to messages.

Although Microsoft Outlook 2010 helps you manage your calendar, contacts, tasks, and
notes, the primary reason most people use Outlook is to send and receive e-mail mes-
sages. Over the past decade, e-mail (short for electronic mail) has become an accepted
and even required form of business communication. And of course, many people use
e-mail to keep in touch with friends and family, either from work or from home. Outlook
makes it easy to connect to multiple e-mail accounts, either on a business network or
over the Internet, and provides all the tools you need to send, respond to, organize,
filter, sort, find, and otherwise manage e-mail messages.
Tip In this chapter and throughout this book, for expediency’s sake, we sometimes refer to
e-mail messages simply as messages. When referring to other types of messages we use full
descriptions such as instant messages or text messages.
When sending messages from Outlook, you can format the text to suit your preferences,
and include attachments such as documents, workbooks, and images. You can also
personalize your message in these ways:
● Embed images, business graphics, and automatic signatures.
● Set message options such as voting buttons, importance, sensitivity, and reminders.
● Request electronic receipts when a message is delivered or opened.
See Also For information about Outlook 2010 features not covered in this book, refer to
Microsoft Outlook 2010 Step by Step by Joan Lambert and Joyce Cox (Microsoft Press, 2010).
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