Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

614 Chapter 21 Send and Receive E-Mail Messages

Managing Multiple Accounts
If you have configured Outlook to connect to multiple e-mail accounts, you need
to ensure that the message is being sent from the correct account.
By default, Outlook assumes that you intend to send a message from the account
you’re currently working in. If you begin composing a message while viewing the
Inbox of your Work account, for example, Outlook selects the Work account
as the message-sending account. If you reply to a message received by your
Personal account, Outlook selects the Personal account as the message-sending
You can easily change the message-sending account. When Outlook is configured
to use multiple accounts, a From button appears in the message header.
Tip If Outlook is configured to connect to only one account, you can display the From
button by clicking From in the Show Fields group on the Options tab of a message
composition window.
Clicking the From button displays a list of active accounts from which you can
choose. If the account from which you want to send the message doesn’t appear
in the list, you can specify another account; however, you must have permission
to send messages from that account.
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