Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Configuring Reading Pane Behavior 629

The Reading Pane dialog box opens.

You can configure the way Outlook handles messages displayed in the Reading Pane.

  1. In the Reading Pane dialog box, select the check box corresponding to the way you
    want Outlook to handle messages you view in the Reading Pane.
    ❍ Mark items as read when viewed in the Reading Pane Outlook will
    mark the item as read after it has been displayed in the Reading Pane for
    five seconds or an alternative amount of time (up to 999 seconds) that you
    ❍ Mark item as read when selection changes Outlook will mark the item as
    read when you select another item.

  2. Click OK in the Reading Pane dialog box and in the Outlook Options dialog box.

Single Key Reading

You can scroll through a long message in the Reading Pane in the following ways:
● Scroll at your own pace by dragging the vertical scroll bar that appears at the right
side of the Reading Pane.
● Move up or down one line at a time by clicking the scroll arrows.
● Move up or down one page at time by clicking above or below the scroll box.
● Move up or down one page at a time by pressing the Spacebar. When you reach
the end of a message by using this feature, called Single Key Reading, pressing the
Spacebar again displays the first page of the next message. This option is very con-
venient if you want to read through several consecutive messages in the Reading
Pane, or if you find it easier to press the Spacebar than to use the mouse.
Tip Single Key Reading is turned on by default. If you find it distracting, you can turn it
off by clearing the Single Key Reading Using Space Bar check box in the Reading Pane
dialog box.
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