Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Viewing Message Participant Information 631

Clicking the Expand Contact Card button displays a more extensive range of information
and interaction options.

Place a telephone call

Send an e-mail message
From the expanded contact card, you can view the contact’s position within the organization and
which distribution lists he or she is a member of.
Tip A distribution list is a membership group created through Exchange and available
from an organization’s Global Address List. You can’t create distribution lists, but you
can create contact groups, which are membership groups saved in the Outlook Contacts
Clicking any of the blue links initiates contact with the person through the stored
telephone number or e-mail address, initiates a meeting request, or, if the person
is in your address book, opens his or her contact record.
When available, the Organization tab displays information about the contact’s manager
and direct reports. The Member Of tab displays information about distribution lists the
contact is a member of. This information is available only for Exchange accounts.
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