Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

634 Chapter 21 Send and Receive E-Mail Messages

Responding to Messages.

You can respond to most e-mail messages that you receive by clicking a response button
either within the message window or in the Respond group on the Message tab.
The most standard response to a message is a reply. When you reply to a message,
Outlook fills in one or more of the address boxes for you, as follows:
● Reply Creates an e-mail message, addressed to only the original message sender,
that contains the original message text.
● Reply All Creates an e-mail message, addressed to the message sender and all
recipients listed in the To and Cc boxes, that contains the original message text. The
message is not addressed to recipients of blind courtesy copies (Bcc recipients).
● Reply with Meeting Creates a meeting invitation addressed to all message recipi-
ents. The message text is included in the meeting window content pane. Outlook
suggests the current date and an upcoming half-hour time slot for the meeting.

A meeting invitation created from a message.
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