Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

644 Chapter 22 Store and Access Contact Information

Saving and Updating Contact Information.

You save contact information for people and companies by creating a contact record in
an address book.

A typical contact record for a business contact.
Tip You can create a personalized electronic business card for yourself or for any of your
contacts. For information about Outlook 2010 features not covered in this book, refer to
Microsoft Outlook 2010 Step by Step by Joan Lambert and Joyce Cox (Microsoft Press, 2010).
You can store the following types of contact information in a contact record:
● Name, company name, and job title
● Business, home, and alternate addresses
● Business, home, mobile, pager, and other telephone numbers
● Business, home, and alternate fax numbers
● Web page address (URL), instant messaging (IM) address, and up to three e-mail
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