Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Saving and Updating Contact Information 645

● Photo or other identifying image
● General notes, which can include text and illustrations such as photos, clip art
images, SmartArt diagrams, charts, and shapes
You can also store personal and organization-specific details for each contact, such as
the following:
● Professional information, including department, office location, profession,
manager’s name, and assistant’s name
● Personal information, including nickname, spouse or partner’s name, birthday,
anniversary, and the title (such as Miss, Mrs., or Ms.) and suffix (such as Jr. or Sr.)
for use in correspondence

Creating Contact Records.

You typically create a contact record by displaying the Contacts module and then clicking
the New Contact button in the New group on the Home tab. In the contact record
window that opens, you insert the information you want to save. After you save the
contact record, it is displayed in the Contacts pane.
You can create a contact record containing only one piece of information (for example, a
name or company name), or as much information as you want to include. You can quickly
create contact records for several people who work for the same company by cloning the
company information from an existing record to a new one. And of course, you can add
to or change the information stored in a contact record at any time.
The order in which Outlook displays contact records in the Contacts pane is controlled
by the File As setting. By default, Outlook files contacts by last name (Last, First order).
If you prefer, you can change the order for new contacts to any of the following:
● First, Last
● Company
● Last, First (Company)
● Company (Last, First)
To set the filing order for all your contacts, display the Backstage view, click Options, and
then on the Contacts page of the Outlook Options dialog box, click the Default “File As”
Order arrow and select an order from the list. You can change the filing order for an indi-
vidual contact by selecting the order you want in the File As list in the contact record.
Tip In addition to individual contact records, you can create groups of contacts so that you
can manage messaging to multiple people through one e-mail address.
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