Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

648 Chapter 22 Store and Access Contact Information

Global Address Lists
If you have an Exchange account, you also have access to an official address book called the
Global Address List (or GAL). The GAL is maintained by your organization’s Exchange admin-
istrator and may include information about individuals within your organization, distribution
lists, and resources (such as conference rooms and media equipment) that you can reserve
when you schedule meetings. It can also include organizational information (each person’s
manager and direct subordinates) and group membership information (the distribution lists
each person belongs to).
The GAL doesn’t appear in the My Contacts list shown in the Navigation Pane of the
Contacts module. To display the GAL, click the Address Book button located in the Find
group on the Home tab of the Contacts module or the Address Book button located in
the Names group on the Message tab of a message composition window. Outlook users
can view the GAL but not change its contents.

Dialing Rules
The first time you enter a phone number for a contact, the Location Information
dialog box opens, prompting you to enter your own country, area code, and any
necessary dialing information, such as a carrier code.

The Location Information and Phone And Modem dialog boxes collect information required
by phone and fax programs.
Outlook sets up dialing rules based on the information you enter. You must enter
at least your country and area code in the dialog box and then click OK; you can’t
close the dialog box without entering the requested information.
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