Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

650 Chapter 22 Store and Access Contact Information

  1. In the Display as box, select the e-mail address inside the parentheses and then
    type Work.

  2. Click the E-mail arrow (not the button).

A list displays the e-mail address fields available in the contact record.

Groups of related contact information fields are indicated by an arrow button to the right of
the field name.

  1. In the E-mail list, click E-mail 2.

The E-mail 2 field replaces the E-mail field. The e-mail address you entered in the
E-mail field, and its associated Display As text, disappears.

  1. In the E-mail 2 field, enter [email protected], and then press Tab.

Outlook enters the original name and the second e-mail address in the Display
As field. Although the field name doesn’t change to indicate it, this information
is specific to the E-mail 2 field.

  1. In the Display as box, select the e-mail address inside the parentheses and then
    type Personal.
    The business card representation displays both e-mail addresses.

  2. In the Web page address box, type

Outlook automatically formats the text as a hyperlink.

  1. In the Phone numbers area, type 9725550101 in the Business box, and then press
    Tab. If the Location Information dialog box opens, enter your country and area
    code, and click OK. Then in the Phone and Modem dialog box, with the location
    associated with your area code selected, click OK.
    See Also For information about the Location Information dialog box, see the sidebar
    “Dialing Rules” earlier in this topic.
    Outlook formats the series of numbers you entered as a telephone number, using
    the regional settings governed by Windows.

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