Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Displaying Different Views of Contact Records 659

Tip If you click the To, Cc, or Bcc box in the message header before clicking the Address
Book button, double-clicking the name adds the person to that box. You can also click
the Cc or Bcc box and then click the adjacent button to open the Select Names dialog
box with that box active.

  1. After selecting all message recipients from the address book, click OK to close the
    Select Names dialog box and return to the message composition window.
    See Also For information about creating e-mail messages, see “Creating and Sending
    Messages” in Chapter 21, “Send and Receive E-Mail Messages.”

Displaying Different Views of Contact Records

You can view all your address books in the Contacts module. You can also display a list
of the contacts in an address book in one of these ways:
● Click the Address Book button in the Find group on the Home tab of the program
window in any module to open the Address Book window.
● Click the Address Book button in the Names group on the Contact tab of a contact
record window to open the Select Name dialog box.
In either case, you can expand the Address Book list and then click the name of the
address book you want to display.

You can display any of the available address books from the Select Name dialog box.
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