Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar 33
You can permanently redisplay the ribbon by double-clicking any tab or by clicking the
Expand The Ribbon button.
As you add buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar, it expands to accommodate them. If
you add many buttons, it might become difficult to view the text in the title bar, or not
all the buttons on the Quick Access Toolbar might be visible, defeating the purpose of
adding them. To resolve this problem, you can move the Quick Access Toolbar below the
ribbon by clicking the Customize Quick Access Toolbar button and then clicking Show
Below The Ribbon.
In this exercise, you’ll add a couple buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar for all documents,
and then you’ll test the buttons.
SET UP You don’t need any practice files to complete this exercise. Open a blank
document, and then follow the steps.
- Open the Word Options dialog box, and then click Quick Access Toolbar.
The Customize The Quick Access Toolbar page displays a list of available commands
on the left side, and a list of the currently displayed commands on the right side.
Tip If you want to create a Quick Access Toolbar that is specific to the active file, click
the arrow at the right end of the box below Customize Quick Access Toolbar, and then
click For <file name>. Then any command you select will be added to a toolbar specific
to that file instead of the toolbar for the program.
- At the top of the available commands list on the left, double-click Separator.
- Scroll down the available commands list, click the Quick Print command, and then
click Add. - Repeat step 3 to add the Text Highlight Color command.
The Text Highlight Color command is added to the list of commands that will appear
on the Quick Access Toolbar.
The arrow to the right of the command indicates that clicking this button on the Quick Access
Toolbar will display a menu of options.