Working with WordArt 909
In this exercise, you’ll add a WordArt object to a publication and then modify the appearance
of the WordArt text.
SET UP You need the Blank_start publication located in your Chapter30 practice
file folder to complete this exercise. Open the Blank_start publication, and save it
as WordArt. Then follow the steps.
- On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click the WordArt button.
The WordArt gallery opens, displaying the available styles.
The WordArt gallery includes plain styles that format only letters and transform styles
that control the shape of text phrases.
- In the WordArt Transform Styles section of the WordArt gallery, click the
Gradient Fill – Red, Curved icon (the second icon in the third row).
The Edit WordArt Text dialog box opens. The dialog box contains sample text
for you to replace with the text you want to format.