365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1

I believe you came into the world to accomplish
something, and not something small or insignificant.
That’s not worthy of you. You came here to make
a major contribution to life on this planet.
Paul Solomon

Take a fresh look at the goals you listed in your notebook. Are they still
relevant? Anything to add? What else would you like to achieve?
Modify your list if appropriate. Allow yourself to think BIG. Think
bigger than you usually allow yourself to imagine. Write them down.
PRINT THEM IN CAPITALS (check back to Exercise 67 to remind
yourself of the reason for this). Use clear language, avoiding nebulous
words and phrases such as ‘I want to help people’. Exactly how do you
want to help them?


Aim high, but bear in mind that many people with low self-esteem
make unrealistic demands on themselves. They become frustrated by
the gap between their aspirations and their actual accomplishments.
For example, you may be concerned about homeless people, but you
can’t house them all personally, nor raise enough money to solve the
problem on your own. Concentrate on what you can do, and don’t
assume that if you can’t save the whole of humankind, you’ve failed.


Take each goal (Confidence Builder 197) in turn and list all the benefits
that achieving it will bring you, your family and the wider community.
Remember, the more benefits you can identify, the greater the pulling
power of your goal.

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