365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1

One of life’s losers

Dawn was an attractive woman in her mid-30s, depressed and on the verge of a
nervous breakdown. She was well qualified but out of work, had no friends and
hardly ever went out. She was also desperate to evict her abusive ex-boyfriend,
Nick, from her flat but he was refusing to leave. She described herself as ‘one of
life’s losers’. ‘I hate myself,’ she said, ‘I’m such a failure.’

Naturally I taught her to use the I-T-I-A Formula©and Four Step Method. We also
talked about loving yourself. I suggested she used the affirmations suggested in
Confidence Builder 237 every day.

Here’s what she told me in a letter six months after she quit therapy. ‘I now have a
job. It’s not exactly what I want, but it is well paid and could lead to something
more suitable. It’s made me feel a lot better. Nick has moved out, and although I’m
still seeking an intelligent, good-looking and caring man, I now know that I’m not
prepared to settle for any old rubbish like before. I’ve joined a health club and
made new friends, and I go out several times a week with my new flat mate
(female) which must be increasing my chances of meeting someone nice. I’m even
beginning to love myself.’

When you learn to love yourself change always takes place. Not alwaysimmedi-
ately – but it will.

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