365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1

The Benjamin Franklin Approach

Shakespeare, who was no mean psychologist, wrote, ‘Assume a virtue if you have it
not.’ This is exactly what Benjamin Franklin, one of the signatories of the American
Declaration of Independence, decided to do.

He made a list of 17 personal qualities and habits he wanted to acquire. He realised
that it would be too much to attempt all 17 at once, so he worked on one a week.
He spent a week practising each new habit, then moved on to the next and worked
on that for a week.

When he felt he’d mastered a new habit he dropped it from the list and substituted
a new one. After 17 weeks he went back to the top of his list, so by the end of the
year he’d completed the entire cycle three times.

Benjamin Franklin had applied the As If Principle.

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