365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1

Many people find it difficult to ask for what they want or to complain about
poor service even when they are fully justified. They think it’ s impolite. They
don’t like upsetting people, or worry they might be met with hostility. They
prefer to ‘put up and shut up’. Why? There are two main root causes:

■ Low self-esteem; feeling unworthy of getting what they want.

■ Not knowing how to ask or complain effectively.

Confident people aren’t afraid to complain. They’re happy to ask for help when
they need it. They find out what they’re entitled to, and refuse to settle for any less.
They know it’s better to ask and run the risk of being turned down than to bottle
up their grievances and lose out for sure.

How to ask for what

you want

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