365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1


Do you get into lots of arguments? Try a different approach. If someone
expresses an opinion you don’t share:

  1. Decide whether it’s important enough to raise your objection. It
    usually isn’t.

  2. Say, ‘You could be right about that.’

  3. Leave it at that. Either change the subject or move away.

Confident people don’t feel they have to prove they’re right all the time.
They cheerfully accept that others may hold a different point of view.
As Lao-Tsu said, ‘One who is too insistent on his own views finds few to
agree with him.’


If you feel under attack from another person, just say to yourself, ‘Shields
up!’ and imagine an invisible energy force surrounding you. (Fans of
science fiction programmes such as Star Trekknow exactly what I mean.)
The imaginary field-force is a powerful form of psychic protection.


Music alters mood. When you want to feet relaxed, listen to relaxing
music. When you want to be inspired, inspiring music; energised,
rousing music; confident, music that excites, revitalises and cheers you.


Make confidence-building fun. Every time you smash through a barrier
or overcome a new hurdle, reward yourself. Do something you enjoy,
that encourages you, that makes you want to carry on growing.

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