365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1

Every one of us can look back upon people who have made a huge impact on our
lives. They could be teachers, relatives, work colleagues or friends. Perhaps they
simply set an example, or did something practical just because they cared. They
didn’t expect anything in return and probably didn’t realise the effect they were
having. You probably thought (and still think) ‘what a great person’.

Now it’s your turn. One of the great secrets of building your own confidence and
self-esteem is to become less self-... etc.

■ Take an active interest in others.

■ When you focus your attention on others rather than yourself, you make
them feel better and raise their self-esteem.

■ And every time you contribute to raising another’s self-esteem, you simultane-
ously raise your own to at least the same degree.

When you make a positive impact on another person’s life, you attract the same
from others because what we give out, we receive. In the words of Og Mandino,
‘Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops
on yourself ’.

(^51) Take an interest in others

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