365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1

Love and service

We feel better about ourselves when we concentrate on giving rather than receiving,
and when we show consideration for others spreading love and happiness in every
way we can. Whenever we give to others they feel valued, and it doesn’t have to be
much. Even a smile, a kind word and a few moments of our time are precious gifts.

Not only do we feel good about ourselves when we help others, but there’s a
knock-on effect. And we never know how far it will go. A few years ago I helped a
young musician overcome stage fright. She couldn’t afford the treatment so I
waived my fee. At the time I was planning a new audio programme and it turned
out that her father owned a recording studio. He was so grateful to me for helping
his daughter that he offered the use of his studio at a very reasonable rate.

Get your mind off ‘What’s in it for me?’ and ask instead, ‘What can I do for you?’


Go through the next 24 hours without judging anyone. If you succeed,
congratulate yourself, then do the same the following day. If you don’t
quite manage it, try again. Keep trying until it becomes a permanent


Constantly look for ways to help others. Practise spontaneous acts of
kindness. Do something unexpected for a stranger for no logical reason
at all. This not only makes you feel good about yourself and provides a
genuine service to someone else, but it also reminds you of the most
important things in life (love and kindness).

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