365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1

Deep inside, at our very core, lies a natural centre of absolute stillness and peace
which can bring a profound sense of wellbeing. This is the spiritual self – but
how do we get in touch with it and experience it in our daily lives?

It starts by appreciating who and what we really are – that, in the words of Pierre
de Chardin, ‘We are not human beings having spiritual experiences, but spiritual
beings having human experiences.’

With a little reflection, it soon becomes apparent that you are more than just a
collection of bones held together by muscle and soft tissue, and more than a col-
lection of thoughts and emotions. Something in you is aware not only of what
you are thinking but also thatyou are thinking. This is it – the Spiritual Self:
(My book, 365 Steps to Practical Spirituality goes into this in much more depth.)

When we realise that we are spiritual beings in human form, it’s like waking from
a dream. We can step back, see everything in its true perspective, deal with frus-
tration, and find peace and understanding in an imperfect world.

You are now ready for the final breakthrough from which genuine confidence,
self-esteem and peace of mind flow.

(^52) Choose peace

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