365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1

We can cope with anything if we have the tools and can
draw on our inner power. But there is no sun without rain;
no joy without spiritual awareness; and no growth without
the knowledge that help is always available and we can
deal with life’s difficulties.
Joy Ward

Allow 15-20 minutes for this exercise. Sit or lie down and relax. Notice
any physical sensations, then become aware of the one who is observing
those sensations. Say, ‘I am not these sensations. I am not this body.’
Now be aware of your thinking. Observe your thoughts. Turn your
attention to the one who is observing the thoughts. Say, ‘I am not these
thoughts. I am not my thoughts.’
Then become aware of your emotions. Turn your attention to the
one who is observing those emotions. Say, ‘I am not these emotions. I
am not my emotions.’
Finally become aware of yourself as a spiritual being. Imagine
yourself connected to an all powerful Universal Mind that wants the
best for you, is guiding and supporting you and bringing you peace.
Enjoy this feeling for a few minutes, then open your eyes.
Sit quietly for a few moments before returning to your activities.

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