365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1


You can choose peace anytime you wish. Just take a few deep breaths
and let them out slowly. Remind yourself that you are a spiritual being,
and repeat the affirmation:

‘I can choose peace instead of this.’

You cannot be forced to give up your peace of mind unless you are
willing to surrender it.


At the root of most anxiety is the wish that the world were different.
Let go of this and you immediately feel more at peace. Stop judging.
Display these words on your Wall of Confidence. Make them your
prime motto:
Everything is exactly as it should be, and always works out for the
best. I am at peace with myself and the world. Nothing and no one can
destroy my peace.


Give up being dishonest. Confident people have no need to be
untruthful, so always keep your word.
For the next 24 hours don’t allow a single untruth to pass your lips.
Then carry on for another 24 hours and so on. If you fail, just start
again and never give up.


Live in the present moment and you are well on the way to lasting
peace of mind.
Right now, probably all is well in your world, but the moment you
allow your thoughts to wander to the past your inner peace is shattered
until you bring it back to the present moment.
The only moment over which you have any control is now. Every
moment, even the most ordinary is a precious gift. When you’re clear
on what’s really important and focus on what you can do right now, the
future has a habit of taking care of itself.

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