365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1

Imagine what it would be like if you were connected to a Universal
Intelligence that works tirelessly for your benefit, offering you all the
confidence you need. Imagine it guiding and supporting you,
nourishing your mind and body and taking care of you.
Imagine you could live securely in the knowledge that everything
that happens is for your ultimate benefit.


Now live as if this were true. Look for your happiness and security in a
higher way of thinking. You’ll find fear and anxiety fading into
oblivion. Life takes on an entire new meaning and you never lack
confidence again!


This final confidence builder is the secret of a long, happy, confident
and fulfilling life.
It is based on the New Testament:
‘In love, I live and move and have my being.’
Acts 17:28


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