365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1
Go for it!

If you’ve worked conscientiously through this book you have taken great strides
forward in the last 12 months. You are more self-aware. You know how to set goals,
think more confidently, imagine yourself as confident and behave more confidently.
If you don’t believe me, repeat the marks out of ten exercises (Confidence Builders
8, 9 and 10) and compare these marks with what you gave yourself before.

Occasionally you may have felt yourself slipping back a little from time to time. This
is perfectly normal; I call this the ‘ratchet effect’ – two big steps forward, then one
small step back. But if you hang on to your resolve, the overall trend is always
upwards. Be patient, keep your eye on the ball, treat setbacks with equanimity and

I once spent a fortnight at a holistic holiday centre in Greece where I met a deter-
mined young woman who was well on the road to greater confidence and
self-esteem. As she reflected on her recent experiences, she uttered the words you
will find below. When you become more confident and look back on your life, her
sentiments will be yours too.


I’m not going back into the prison

I created for myself

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