365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1

To change one’s life: Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly.
No exceptions. No excuses.
Professor William James

Ask yourself, ‘What am I trying to achieve by believing I lack
confidence?’ Write down the answers.
A difficult one, this. You may have to be more honest with yourself
than you’re used to; but don’t skip over it just because it makes you feel
uncomfortable – your answers may illuminate and surprise you.


Write down this sentence:
‘If I had an excellent self-image and total confidence in my abilities,
I would...’
Write down whatever comes to mind.


Take each item on your list from Confidence Builder 30 and make it a
firm goal. Write it in the form:
‘My goal is to...’
Commit yourselfunreservedly to working towards these goals.


Make yourself very comfortable, either sitting or lying down. Close your
eyes, take a few deep breaths and allow your imagination to flow freely.
Imagine you have accomplished the goals you set yourself in confidence
Builder 31. Visualise them coming true in every detail. How do you feel?
When you open your eyes write down any thoughts that come into
your head.

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