365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1

Don’t be afraid of your negative thoughts: just know
them for what they are – not the truth, just negative
thoughts. Give them no house room in your consciousness
and they will dissolve into what they are – false ideas,
false concepts, with nothing to sustain them.
Nona Coxhead

As you listen in on your self-talk, step back and observe. Ask yourself.
‘Why am I thinking that thought? Where is it taking me? Does it help
me feel confident?’


When you become aware of a negative thought, use Thought Stopping.
Interrupt the unwanted thought by saying firmly. ‘No!’ ‘Stop!’ ‘Go
away!’ ‘Delete!’ or some other word or phrase of your choice.
Alternatively, just think to yourself, ‘that’s an old thought: I no longer
choose to think that way.’ Do this silently or aloud (out loud is best, if
circumstances permit).


The mind is not a vacuum; you cannot notthink. Moreover, you can
only think one conscious thought at a time (if you don’t believe me, try
thinking two thoughts at once – impossible!). So once you’ve dispensed
with the unwantedthought immediately replace it with another, to
prevent another unwanted thought popping into your conscious mind.
If you can’t think of an appropriate thought immediately, use an
affirmation, such as:

‘I like myself.’
‘I am a strong and worthy person.’
‘I’m perfect just as I am.’

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