365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1

Calm, confident and in control

Vicky came to see me several years ago. She had applied to take a motorcycle test,
and although she was a competent car driver and felt confident she could ride a
motorcycle perfectly well, she was terrified of the actual test. On previous occa-
sions, she had gone to pieces on the day.

I taught her to enter a deeply relaxed state and visualise herself taking the test
with total confidence. Vicky found it easy to make mental pictures and had no prob-
lem imagining herself looking over the handlebars, feeling the vibration through
the seat of her pants, hearing the sound of the engine, smelling the oil and exhaust
fumes. She also used autosuggestion: ‘I am calm, confident and in control.’

Then she visualised the examiner congratulating her on her success. She conjured
up feelings of pride, happiness and excitement as he handed her the pass slip.
Finally she visualised herself arriving home to an ecstatic welcome from her hus-
band, who took her out for a celebration meal.

Vicky practised every day. Two weeks later I went on holiday. On my return I found a
postcard on the mat. It said in gold lettering, ‘I was calm, I was confident, I was in
control, and I passed! Can’t believe how well it worked. Many thanks.’

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